Job 3:1 I open my mouth and bless the day of my birth.
Job 3:2 I say:
Job 3:3 The day of my birth blossoms, and the night it was said, ‘A boy/girl is born!’
Job 3:4 That day remains bright; God above cares about it; abundant light shines upon it.
Job 3:5 Darkness and shadow have no claim on it; No cloud settles over it; blackness comprehend not its light.
Job 3:6 That night is covered by bright light; its position among the days of the year and the months is dignified.
Job 3:7 That night is fruitful; shouts of joy are heard in it.
Job 3:8 Those who curse days bless that day, even those who are ready to rouse Leviathan.
Job 3:9 Its morning stars remain bright; it receives daylight and abundance of first rays of dawn,
Job 3:10 for it opened the doors of the womb on me and released me to glory.
Job 3:11 I did not perish at birth, or die as I came from the womb for a great and divine purpose.
Job 3:12 There were knees to receive me and breasts to nurse me.
Job 3:13 And now I am standing up in peace; I am awake and at rest in the land of the living
Job 3:14 with kings and counselors of the earth, who build for themselves places thriving in glory;
Job 3:15 with rulers who have gold and fill their houses with silver.
Job 3:16 For this same purpose, I was released to the land of the living, like an infant to see the light of blessed days.
Job 3:17 In my sphere, the righteous triumph and the weary find rest in Christ.
Job 3:18 Captives are freed by the Almighty God and are no longer tuned to the slave driver’s shout.
Job 3:19 The small and the great, the slave and the master, find true freedom in Christ.
Job 3:20 Light is given to those in misery, and life to the bitter of soul,
Job 3:21 and to those who long for death that does not come, who search for it more than for hidden treasure; because the ample opportunity for freedom in Christ the Lord is extended to them.
Job 3:22 They are filled with gladness and rejoice because the Lord is revealed to them.
Job 3:23 This is why life is given to me; a man/woman whose way is open, whom God has given speed to run.
Job 3:24 For food come to me instead of sighing; my laughter pour out like water.
Job 3:25 What I desire comes to me; what I crave for happens to me.
Job 3:26 I have peace and quietness; I have rest and abundance of satisfaction.