1 I am God’s creation; He created me. I am the likeness of God.
2 I am a blessed male/female. God called me “man” — and Man I am.
3 My children (put name or names) are in my own likeness and in my own image. They worship God and follow my footsteps of righteousness and the fear of the Lord.
4 Adam lived long and gave birth to sons and daughters:
5 He lived for nine hundred and thirty years.
6–8 Seth gave birth to sons and daughters including Enosh; he was nine hundred and twelve years.
9 Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, and Jared; all lived long and gave birth to sons and daughters. Therefore, because the God of Adam is my God; because I descended from Adam and carry his genes of longevity and productivity; because Adam and his children lived long and gave birth even after the fall; therefore, I that live under grace will not die young or be barren/sterile. I shall live long and give birth to sons and daughters.
22 I am the Enoch of my time; I walk with God. I am a righteous father (mother) of godly children.
24 Because I walk with God and live no more in the flesh, He will take me away someday.
25 My life is full of landmark records of faithfulness to the Lord. I will fulfill the numbers of my days.
29 I enjoy God’s comfort; my work is pleasurable. I work but not labor.